Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Knocked Out

Looking outside...

Doing a of the small milestones to reach according to Aunt Julie

Getting into Trouble....

She found the picture frames...
Discoverd her carseat...

Reaching for my phone....

OH yes, and the fireplace!!!

Pulling Up

Only 7 months old and she just learned how to crawl, but she wants to take it to the next level by standing!


Picture Perfect

Playing with me on the floor

Momma Kisses

Guitar Lessons

Question is, who is teaching whom?

She's Crawling!

Watch out! This determined little girl is on the loose! She's 7 months old and mastering the crawling technique!

Little Miss Piggy

One of my friends sent us some piggy slippers for Dakoda and they were just too cute!!!

Playing with Toys

Momma & Baby

Sitting Up

6 months old and finally sitting up. Its nice cause now she can play with toys better and easier.

Bath Time!

Dakoda can sit up in her bath now, which makes things so much easier...but now she grabs whatever is in out for the dish soap!

Daddy & Baby Girl

Dakoda is 6 months old in this picture


This was priceless! She fell asleep while we were feeding her--it was way past her bedtime!

Crawling?? Already?

Dakoda is just 6 months old and out of the blue one day she decided to get up on all 4's and rock back and forth...little did we know she was going to start crawling a week later!


I couldn't resist taking a naked baby picture. She was fresh out of the tub and in a good mood!

Becoming a little more Independent!

I have waited for the day that Dakoda could hold her bottle!!

Sleepy Girl

I can't believe how big she's getting!

Day Dreaming


Mom sent me this outfit for Dakoda to wear and we thought she looked like a princess in it!

First Foods

At 6 months old, we gave Dakoda her first vegetable, which was green beans. She didn't know what to do with it, but she liked it! It was quite messy!

5 months old

She's getting stronger! She was so proud of herself she realized that she could lift herself up on her arms...pretty soon she'll be crawling!


We made a trip up to D.C. with the Lemmon's family to see the Christmas lights at the temple. Dakoda liked all of the pretty colors and lights.

Dakoda's 1st Christmas

This isn't a very good picture, but it's the only one we have since we recorded everything else! oops! But Dakoda enjoyed tearing the wrapping paper and tasting each piece. She had the most presents of everyone! Go figure!

Teddy's 1st Snow

When we went to MO in November of 2007, we had to leave Teddy with my in-laws because it was getting too difficult for me to take care of him and Dakoda at the same time. So he got to enjoy plenty of snows in MO.

My baby dress

Dakoda is 5 months old in these pictures, but these are special to me because the dress she has on is the dress that I wore when I was her age. Its neat to see your own baby wear the things that you wore and to be able to pass things down to them.

Play time

This is a good picture of Dakoda. She was actually laughing and squeeling so loud, that's why we got the camera out in the first place.

Cutie Pie

Dakoda so proud of herself after making a huge mess on our bed with some of her milk. I had to wash the sheets and she was so excited about it for some reason!

Headin' Back East

We passed through St. Louis on our road trip.

Meeting the Great Grandmothers!

Nick's Grandmother Olson....
My Grandmother Parkhurst....

And my Grandma Macy! Whew!!! How many people is this kid related to?!?! Let's just say we have a big family!

1st Time in MO

Once we made it to Missouri, our first stop was in Columbia where both of my sisters live. There, they got to meet Dakoda for the first time. In this picture, we are at Leslie's house and Dakoda was so happy to get out of the car and stretch her legs. It was a great visit.

Road Trippin'

November of 2007 we made trip to Missouri for Thanksgiving and the birth of our new niece. This was Dakoda's first big road trip and she actually did quite well! She slept a lot on the trip, so we all had a peaceful drive.

A New Cousin!

The newest addition to the family (on Nick's side) is our niece, Ahna Denning. She was born on October 24th, 2007. She and Dakoda are going to have a blast growing up together.

Daddy-Daughter Time

Nick spending some time with Dakoda on his day off of work.

Lifting Up

September 26th 2007 Dakoda started lifting her head off the floor, which was a sure sign that she was getting a lot stronger.

Drunk on Milk!

This is a common pose for Dakoda....sleeping with milk dribbling down her chin!

Little Tree Frog

When Dakoda was really little, she used to sleep like this when we held her. She started this from day one at the hospital. We say she looks like a little tree frog when she sleeps like this!