She found her glow worm :)

Dakoda was too distracted to open her gifts so Chyler and I helped out a little.

Dakoda loved opening gifts.

Grandma Wayne and Chyler

Nick and the girls in front of the tree before we opened gifts.

This is the horse that grandma and grandpa Macy (my mom and dad) got the girls. I had a similar one when I was little. I really enjoy watching Dakoda ride it. She has a love for horses and this made it to where she can ride him whenever she wants. Chyler likes to watch for now, but I know eventually they will both enjoy it.

Great Grandma Macy got the girls this huge cheetah "tiger" (that's what dakoda calls it). Both of them love it. I wasn't sure if Dakoda would like it at first because it looked so real, but I was wrong. I found it in bed with her the next morning. And the night after that she insisted that it slept by her side! This thing is huge! I practically takes up 1/4 of her bed. It's large enough for the two of them to ride like a horse!