Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just us girls

It was a rainy day outside so we decided to sit on the couch and watch a movie together.
Dakoda and I before church

Chyler on her bear blanket

Look who is lifiting her head!

Chyler is 2 1/2 months old and lifting her head very well!

Bike Ride

I thought this was a cool picture of Nick and I in the mirror on his bike while driving on the road
Chris, a friends of ours and Kevin, Nick's brother behind him.

Driving down the freeway
When you ride a bike, its not really a good idea to do this because bugs fly in your mouth!

2 1/2 months old

Makeup mess

While I was in the shower, Dakoda got into my makeup bag and found some lipstick (I never use the stuff so I didn't mind) But I couldn't pass up taking a picture of her mess.

Which one is real???

Dakoda has a bizzillion baby dolls. I thought it would be funny to take a picture of Chyler with them all since she's the same size as some. Every once in a while I will accidentally get after Dakoda for playing rough with her baby sister, but most of the time I mistake Chyler for a baby doll!

Flower girl

My sister, Julie is getting married in October. Dakoda is going to be the flower girl. This is her the day we were trying her dress on.

Matching outfits

For Dakoda's birthday one of my friends got her a dress and Chyler one to match...here is their photo shoot!

Chyler is just a little older than a month old in this picture.

Welcome home Chyler

Here is a proud daddy and his new baby girl.
On her forehead is a small red dot, its called a hemangioma. The doctor says that it's a birthmark of some kind and it should go away in a few years. I don't really care if it leaves or stays, I think it's adorable!

This is the picture we put in the local paper.

This is the day we brought Chyler home. Dakoda couldn't wait to hold her again. She even tried feeding her!

Chyler Michelle has arrived!

Big sister holding her new "baby sis" for the first time in the hospital.I love this picture

I'm pretty doped up on drugs at this point, but I felt pretty good!

After she was all cleaned up, Dakoda was more willing to hold her. When they brought her out of the delivery room, Nick said that he showed Chyler to Dakoda and Dakoda just looked at her with disgust and backed up because she still had that cheesy stuff on her and she was still bloody and wet. Haha

Well, Chyler came sooner than we expected. I remember telling my doctor, "oh, well I'll see you next Tuesday, no sooner than that!" oooh boy was I wrong! The Sunday before the c-section, we had a really bad hail storm which also had some tornadoes in the county next to ours and that whole time, I was stuck in our house having labor pains. (of course I have never experienced them before so I wasn't really sure what was going on. I kinda had a feeling that my water broke (which later we found out it did) and I was very restless. It was also a full moon and a lot of people say most babies are born around that time of the month for some reason. Anyways, after waiting 12 hours for the storm to die down and wait for it to be safe to drive to the hospital, Nick drove me and we ended up delivering Chyler at 11:07 that morning. She weighed 6 lbs and 14 oz and was 19" long.

Dakoda is 2

Dakoda turned 2 on July 10th. I didn't feel like making a cake this year, so we bought a DQ icecream cake! YUM!!
We decided to get Dakoda something that she can play with outside since her birthday is in the summer. The jeep was quite an entertaining gift I do have to say. She almost hit our car after high-centering it on a pile of dirt and after hitting a couple of trees and trying to run th dog over with it, she will definitly have to be very well supervised until she gets the concept of steering!

My niece Ahna Denning on the left, Dakoda in the center, and a Jayda, a friend of Dakoda's are all having a great time in the pool. The girls had a blast throwing sand from the sandbox into the pool. Ooh what a mess they made, but they had so much fun!

Happy Birthday Dakoda Jaelynn!

We got Dakoda a pre-birthday gift so we could keep her busy while we cooked and decorated for the party later that evening. She loved this little castle, and still to this day she calls it her "birthday castle." I love this picture of her, she has a great smile.

Handlebar Mustache

I shared my Toaster Streudle with Dakoda and when we were finished, this is what she looked like.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Finally feels like summer!

Dakoda taking her first swim for the season

Dakoda on the "bouncey bounce" as so what she calls the trampoline.

This is after she told me I couldn't be in the picture.
Showing her sweet litle angel side!

Sidewalk Chalk

The weather started getting nicer, so I took Dakoda outside to draw on the sidewalk....she just ended up eating the chalk and feeding it to Teddy. :(

Dramatic Dakoda

Preggy again...

Big ol' belly
I think I'm 31 weeks here...I can't really remember!

Chyler Michelle Wayne

Here is a foot

This is looking at her face, her eyes are closed and her hand is covering one. She's a cutie pie!

Our 1st House!

The back yard...

... and the front yard.

Easter Time!

Dakoda and Daddy dying eggs

Dakoda picking through her Easter basket

Newest addition to the family....the Harley

This is the day Nick got his bike....a lot has changed on it since then cause he's been customizing it, but he enjoys it quite a bit. Eventually, I'll get to ride with him once I recover from the C-section.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Xmas...Almost a disaster

Playing in the wrapping paper at the Wayne's side of the family get-together

Just on Christmas Eve, Dakoda burnt her hand so bad that it was considered a 2nd degree burn. I was so worried that it would ruin her Christmas, but fortuneatly it did not and she opened her gifts without any trouble.

This is xmas at with my side of the family....why are there so many gift bags????

Playing in the Leaves

Nick and I took Dakoda outside for a nice autumn stroll and on our way we decided to snap a few shots of what we did.